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Friday, September 16, 2011

Responder Stress Survey

I am looking to write an article on responder stress. Even though I have my own experiences and perspective, I would like to here from you. I have a list of questions. Feel free to answer them and add anything you may find pertinent. You don't have to leave a name but if you want, you can. I will not use names or locations in the article unless I have your permission. I am especially interested in knowing if you used the help of anEAP, Chaplain, CISM Team or any other health care professional. I would also appreciate if you can pass this along. My deepest thanks in advance...Ray

1) Did your duties ever stress you out?

2) How did/do you handle the stresses of the job?

3) Does your department/union have a stress program?

4) Have you ever had a formal presentation on stress? If so is it ongoing? How often?

5) Do you have any addiction problems due to stress?

6)Have you ever sought help due to stress?

7) How has your job stress affected your family/personal relations?

8) Have you been diagnosed with PTSD?

9) Have you sought help?

10) If you sought help was it through an EAP, Chaplain or other health care professional?

11) Was the help that you sought effective? Did it address your problems?

12) What is the pervasive, official and unofficial, attitude toward the stresses of the job within your organization?

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